Physiotherapy Women's Health
How can Prenatal / Antenatal Physiotherapy help you?

Pregnancy can bring many wonderful changes to our bodies, some of which can be unexpected.
If you're looking for ways to continue feeling great during your pregnancy or experiencing some pregnancy-related side effects or to get prepared for childbirth, our physio can provide customised pre-natal physiotherapy services to suit your needs, no matter what stage of pregnancy you're in.
Common Pregnancy Related Conditions:
Pregnancy can cause common physical discomforts such as back and neck pain, hip or pelvic pain, diastasis recti, poor core strength, and reduced mobility. Skilled healthcare providers can help manage these issues.

Pregnancy Assessment Service:
Pelvis assessment
Postural and mobility assessment
Core strength assessment

Pregnancy Treatment Services:
Release pregnancy-related tensions
Adapted prenatal fitness program
Awareness of the anatomy of the pelvis, perineum, pelvic floor, and abdominal muscles, breathing exercises, Contraction management and learning specific movements for labour of childbirth, learning how to push during childbirth, teaching the couple relief positions during childbirth, learning breastfeeding positions, lymphatic drainage massage. It also aims to relieve:
Low back pain
Water retention, heavy legs
Migraines, neck pain
Respiratory discomfort, diaphragm pain
Ligament pain in the pelvic or pubic area