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How Kinesiology helps with Sleeping Disorders

By Kinesiologist Benedicte Caudron

In this article, our neuro-energetic kinesiology practitioner Benedicte Caudron discusses in more detail how kinesiology can help with sleep problems.

As a kinesiologist she has found many patients complain about sleeping disorders, such as:

  • Getting to sleep

  • Staying asleep

  • Waking up in the middle of the night and not falling back to sleep

  • Experiencing shallow sleep

Some patients also mentioned experiencing (for themselves or their child) night terrors, sleep walking and snoring (sleep apnea).

Unfortunately, most people accept these sleeping disorders and behaviours as “normal.” However – it is not normal, as quality sleep is very important for your wellbeing and overall health. With the support of kinesiology, you can get back your quality of sleep.

Find below some reasons that may affect your quality of sleep:

  • Long exposure to artificial light

Your body knows what time of day it is by how much light your eyes are exposed to, therefore if there is light, your body clock (circadian rhythm) registers that it is daytime. Likewise, when it is dark, your body clock registers that it is nighttime.

Long exposure to artificial light emitted from computers, phones and TVs disturb your circadian rhythms and this interferes with your production of melatonin - which tells your body that it is time to sleep. This exposure to lighting results in sending signals to your body via your eyes, that daytime has been extended and the body needs to stay awake.

  • Worry and anxiety

A racing mind, repeating the events of the day over and over, planning tomorrow down to the minute, .... It’s a wonder some of us sleep at all! Women in particular are notorious for worrying, and with worry comes anxiety which affects sleep.

  • Stress

Our modern lives are overloaded with stress and all too often we have not learned how to manage it. The demands of work, school, social expectations, financial pressures and a host of other factors are always there and are very hard on our body systems. We never get to switch off and chemically we become saturated with cortisol. It is next to impossible to sleep if you have too much cortisol in your system.

How can Kinesiology improve your sleep?

  1. By ‘questioning’ your body, kinesiologists can find the causes of what may be negatively impacting your sleep. For example artificial light or emotional triggers.

  2. By tracing all imbalances in your life back to the emotional source and by working through the emotional source, you may find great relief and eventually eliminate your worries and the source of anxiety.

  3. By using feedback from your body, kinesiologists determine exactly where the imbalances are, what your body requires and determine which techniques will bring the body back into balance.

Techniques used:

It is scientifically approved that the key to a healthy sleep pattern is to lower stress levels. Benedicte uses acupressure points - unique to kinesiology to release the stress held in your body and mind that is preventing restful, adequate sleep. Once this is released, you can access and reduce the stress where it occurs within the energy system of the body to help it to calm down.

Health benefits of adequate sleep:

  • Improves brain function, memory and processing information

  • Improved quality of life

  • Improves overall performance

  • Stable blood sugar levels

  • Curbs inflammation

  • Sharpens attention and focus

  • Lowers stress

  • Emotional stability


It’s rare that only one factor is affecting your sleep - you will usually find that there are many different causes and imbalances. Benedicte's advice is to find yourself a good kinesiology practitioner, so you can start sleeping peacefully and deeply.

Benedicte is a neuro-energetic kinesiology practitioner with Australian accredited qualification. She has learned to master and channel energies to provide her patients with well-being they to feel anchored, rooted and balanced. Benedicte is also certified in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) from the Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies and a certified Seiki practitioner from Kimura Shiatsu Institute. With 18 years of Yoga practice, she offers a holistic approach to healing. She is fluent in French and in English.

Want to sleep like a rose? Don't hesitate and book a session with Benedicte now!

The Round Clinic

T 2648 2612



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