Anxiety... What is your level at the moment?
A well-known topic in the current environment: anxiety.
In this blogpost, Kinesiologist Benedicte Caudron explains how Kinesiology can contribute to easing symptoms of stress and anxiety.
Do you sometimes feel like suffocating in a crowded place, willing to run away from a dinner party, unable to speak or think properly in a business meeting?
Or more simply feeling your heartbeat accelerating, sweating and losing the sense of calmness when you just want to express yourself?
Can you associate a trigger to some of the following reactions: restlessness, worries, increased irritability, concentration or sleep difficulties?
If you have already experienced these uncomfortable situations and suffered from these symptoms, you are not alone. Anxiety and stress are common to all of us. While stress and anxiety are natural and protective reactions in face of danger, an excessive exposure (patterns) and inability to process them can lead to stress or anxiety disorders. These negative emotions are stored in your body and mind causing discomfort, tension and, in some extreme cases, nervous breakdown or burn-outs.
Kinesiology will help identify these patterns that make you feel stuck, unwell or “on-the-edge”. Understanding these patterns is the first step to create change, allowing you to move forward. Kinesiology will calm, re-balance and release these emotions, using muscle testing, acupressure points and energy balancing. This will allow you to feel more confident, focused and at peace with yourself. Our Kinesiologist Benedicte can help you shift emotional blockage and release habit patterns. She might also suggest breathing exercises, meditation tips or yoga postures.
Kinesiology is a journey where we work together to create change.
We therefore recommend you to take 3-4 sessions, a couple of weeks apart to drive and maintain the momentum of change. Follow up fine-tuning sessions can be taken every 3 to 6 months.
Benedicte is a neuro-energetic kinesiology practitioner with an Australian government accredited qualification.
She has discovered the benefits of Kinesiology, learning to master and channel the energies to provide her patients with the well-being they need to feel anchored, rooted and balanced.
Book your re-balance session with Benedicte online, or call +852 2648 2612.