Everything you need to know about your Spine - Spinal Posture during sitting
The spine is made of 27 vertebrae, a specific and highly intelligent design of the body to distribute load evenly. The natural S shape of...
Osteopathy for women of all ages.
Women’s health The female body is unique and requires a specialised response and women have diverse health needs, not only due to their...
Sports Injury Prevention Tips For Kids
​With limited travel this summer, more children have signed up for sports activities than ever before. Sport helps children and...
Do you have a "Text Neck"...? Beware!
Don't believe you look like a turtle? Have a look at your profile...... Have you been travelling on the MTR or in a taxi without even...
Exam Stress?? How to beat the Exam/Cram Blues
Is this you? Or your child? As a homeopath, I always get a sudden flurry of students around this time of year suffering from extreme...